Every child brought into this world represents a Bright Beginning. A bundle full of innocence and possibility. Those first few weeks of the postnatal period can be a rollercoaster ride of ecstatic highs of joy followed by heavy fogs of fatigue and overwhelm.

Babies do not develop an understanding of themselves as a separate being until around 6 months old (which explains why your personal space seems to have disappeared overnight). For this reason, practising Postnatal Yoga will benefit your baby just as much as it will you. Hence why we call it Parents and Bubs Yoga.

Bright Beginnings approaches postnatal yoga from a place of compassion. Rather than rushing to rediscover your pre-baby body, or regain your pre-pregnancy exercise regime, there is a focus on practicality and accessibility. Parents are supported to nurture themselves and their babies as they adjust to their new roles.

The format of each Parents and Bubs Yoga Class is adapted on the day to suit the temperament and needs of the babies (and the parents).

Gift Vouchers Available

Improved health and wellbeing could be the greatest gift you can give. Consider gifting some postnatal yoga classes to the new parent (or parent-to-be) in your life, or if you are pregnant, perhaps put a hint out for your baby shower or blessing.

Postnatal Yoga may support new parents by:

  • Gently and gradually restoring the tone and strength of the abdominal and pelvic muscles that are stretched during pregnancy

  • Fostering the parent-child bond

  • Decreasing stress and anxiety

  • Providing restorative and rejuvenating practices to address fatigue

  • Improving stamina to manage the rigours of parenthood

  • Supporting breast and bottle feeding

  • Providing an opportunity to network with other parents

  • Providing a safe place to discuss and process your matrescence journey

  • Supporting the transition and adjustment to parenthood

Introduction to Pre/Postnatal Yoga Workshop

2hr WORKSHOP $45

This workshop provides a comprehensive overview of Prenatal and Postnatal yoga. If you are considering incorporating yoga into your postpartum journey, this is the place to start.

The workshop provides experiential learning around the following topics:

  • the benefits of prenatal and postnatal yoga

  • why yoga is so much more than just poses or exercises and how this makes it a wonderful holistic practice to support your journey into parenthood

  • what is matrescence and why should you know about it

  • the golden rules of prenatal and postnatal yoga

  • simple home practices you can implement straight away

  • what to expect in a prenatal or postnatal yoga class at The Centre of Bright Beginnings

This event is suitable for anyone who is currently pregnant, early postpartum or planning a pregnancy. Babes in arms are welcome. Attendance allows you a $25 discount for the Postnatal Yoga Program.

Postnatal Yoga Program


($200 if attended Introduction Workshop or Prenatal Program)

Group Classes:

Wednesdays of School Term 10:45am -11:45am

This program provides comprehensive support for parents who have recently birthed. All factors are considered - from physical recovery and strengthening, to opportunities for deep rest, through to mental health support.

Please bring a few of your baby’s favourite playthings and a rug or towel for them to lay on. Suitable for parents who are at least 6 weeks postpartum with babies who are not yet mobile.

What is included?

  • 90min Private Postpartum Consult (can be booked on a Mon, Wed or Fri)

  • Personalised home practice recommendations

  • Yoga Nidra for Postpartum recording

  • 4 x 60min Postnatal Yoga Classes (max 4 per class)

Total Value $386 - you pay $225

Private Postnatal Yoga Classes

Initial Personalised Postnatal Yoga Class


30min Lifestyle Consultation

+ 60min Class

+ detailed Home Practice Recommendations & Guidance

+ personalised audio/video  

Follow-up Private Postnatal Yoga Classes

60 MINUTES $75